Thursday, December 1, 2011

Judson is 4 Months Old!

Tater Tot turned 4 months old on November 26th. Don't ask me why we call him tater tot. It is just something we have all started calling him. We always called John Turner "Monkey" when he was a baby. So it was only fair that Judson had some crazy embarrassing nickname as well! At 4 months, he still the sweetest most laid back baby I have ever been around! He is starting to be full of personality as well! A baby becomes so much fun at around 4 months of age! I look forward to the next months ahead with him!

I absolutely think that he has the sweetest baby smile I have ever seen! And it doesn't take much to get one out of him either!

He is starting to really adore his brother more and more each day. Big brother is starting to interact with him more as well, as he is staying up for longer periods and paying attention to toys, sounds etc.. He is really enjoying sitting in his Bumbo seat these days and having a little TV time with brother!

He is rolling like a pro! I mean I put him on his play mat one day and came back a minute later and he was on his belly! I was not expecting this. JT did not roll over until he was 5 months old. Judson rolled over right after turning 3 months! I hope this doesn't mean I should expect an early crawler and walker! I am not ready for two mobile children yet!

And just look at how much my sweet baby has grown this month! I just can't believe 4 months have already gone by! I am enjoying each and every day with this angel baby!

Judson at 4 months old

--14 lbs 4 oz (25th percentile)

-- 26 inches (75th percentile)

--head circumference 17 cm(75th percentile)

--can still wear some 3 month clothes but mostly wearing 3-6 months

--wearing size 2 diapers

--eating 5-6 ounces of milk every 3-4 hours during the day

--eats last bottle around 8:00 and goes to bed. Usually sleeps between 8-10 hours at night

--takes 3 naps a day usually between 1 1/2 to 2 hours in length

--able to stay awake for longer periods during the day now

--doesn't sleep well in the car seat when we are out and about anymore. He really likes to be in his own crib for a nap

--started laughing out loud this month and it is the sweetest sound ever! He is very ticklish around his neck and he will just cackle and cackle if you tickle it!

--rolling from back to stomach and from stomach to back. He gets stuck on stomach sometimes and it makes him SO mad!!

--drooling everywhere and chewing on everything! I am expecting a tooth to pop out early just like JT's did

--grabbing toys and holding on to them now

--tries to sit himself up often when he is lying in his bouncy seat or on his boppy

--will smile at anyone who speaks to him

--still has the most beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous blond hair

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