Saturday, February 23, 2013

Registering for Pre-K

We had a big day around our house this week! We took John Turner to tour and register for big boy school! BOO HOO!! I am just so sad about this! I seriously thought I had so much time before he would be in Pre-K and it is already here! I know he is ready and he will love it so much! But I am just not ready to see him leave me for big school yet! No more more pajama days, snuggling on the couch and watching cartoons in the morning, going on random trips to the park or wherever we want to go! In August we will be in serious school mode!
We have decided to send him to Lamar, which is a private school here in Meridian. It is actually pretty much across the street from our subdivision so I love that! He loved touring this school and decided he wanted to live in the library there because of the cool reading loft! He also decided that the room with the puppet theater is the classroom he should be in! I know this is going to be a big step for both us!


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