I am 10 1/2 weeks!

Pregnancy highlights
How far along: 10 1/2 weeks
Size of baby: size of a prune
Total weight gain/loss: none yet...
Maternity clothes: not yet...
Gender: Can't wait to know! (I am thinking it is a boy--Carlton thinks it is a girl)
Movement: I haven't felt anything yet
Sleep: going to the bathroom every few minutes makes sleep not so great!
What I miss: sleeping through the night
Cravings: orange juice, salty foods
Symptoms: a little tired and a little nauseous at times-Thanks Goodness that is all!
Best moment of the week: taking John Turner to shop for furniture for his big boy room! :-)
John Turner is still sleeping in his crib. He LOVES his crib!! He sometimes just likes to sit in it and play or read to his animal friends! He will stay in there for hours! Well, since we are going to be
needing the crib for the new baby come August, we decided it was time to go shopping for some big boy furniture! John Turner will be moving down the hallway to a new and bigger room and the nursery will stay where it is now.
We took him to a kids' furniture store in town that has a 2
nd floor devoted to nothing but big kids' rooms! He was very excited to go shopping here! Especially when he saw that he got to climb up a bunch of stairs to get to where we were going!

He was much more into playing with the stuffed animals and decorations rather than looking at the beds!

He did love climbing all of the ladders on the bunk beds.

He found this set that had Dora and Diego on it and said, "I need this one!" I don't think that Mommy could look at this in his bedroom every day!!

Then he found this one with a slide escape! He thought it was the best thing he had ever seen!!

Daddy feels that a boy needs bunk beds. Mommy wasn't so sure of that! But after looking today and seeing John Turner with the bunk beds, I am convinced! Bunk beds it will be!!