How could my Valentine's Day not be totally amazing? I have these three handsome men in my life!

These two have their
momma's and daddy's hearts!

Judson's first Valentine's Day at 6 1/2 months old! This little cutie got some new strawberry yogurt and a new toy for his Valentine. He had a fun day with his family!

We had the table in the kitchen set up with Valentine's Day prizes for the boys when they woke up. They just got a few small prizes. When we picked John Turner up at school we surprised him with these balloons. He was extremely happy about them! This boy loves balloons!! He told us over and over how much he loved them and how sweet it was of us to buy them for him. He is so sweet sometimes!
My two little loves!
John Turner had a fabulous party at school on Valentine's Day. As soon as we got home, he had to go through all of his loot! He enjoyed reading all of the sweet Valentine's from all of his friends. Of course, the candy was the big hit! This boy can eat some chocolate!!
And these three boys treated me like a princess all day long! Carlton gave me the afternoon off of mom duty. I went to kickboxing class for the afternoon. When I got home the boys had a trail of Hershey Kisses leading to some wonderful cards and prizes for me. They were preparing me a dinner of fillet mignon, jumbo grilled shrimp and steamed veggies! I tell you that I am one spoiled women! These three men in my life sure know how to make me feel special! I do think it was the most special Valentine's Day I have ever had!