The Easter Bunny made his way to our house and delivered two baskets full of goodies!
We had to wake John Turner up on Easter morning. Once he woke up, he made a bee line to the living room to see what the Easter Bunny had left him! He was THRILLED with everything he received!

Next, John Turner helped Judson go through his basket and show him what he had gotten. He was excited about it all!

My sweet boys just love each other so much!

John Turner enjoying his annual Easter Sunday morning breakfast of a chocolate peanut butter bunny!

After all the Easter morning fun, we had to all go get dressed quickly in order to make it to church on time. I am thinking that the Easter Bunny may start coming on Saturday or on Sunday afternoon. It was too hard to pull them away from the goodies!

My three loves!

My two precious boys and me

Oh, My! How I just love this picture of my two sweet and handsome little boys! This just captures each of them so well! They looked so precious dressed up in their coordinating Easter outfits!

We always get a picture in front of the beautiful flower-filled cross as church on Easter morning. This year the sun was just too bright to look a the camera!

This last picture means the world to me. This is my best friend, Kelly, and her family. We have been best friends since we got our master's degrees together back in 2003. Long before our kiddos! Now we are both surrounded by a bunch of boys! I love having her as my best friend and boy mom!