Well, since our
Internet has been down I am about a month behind with the blog. I have decided to do a post about what each of my boys has been up to over this past month. I am also sad to say that pretty much every one of these pics were taken with my
iPhone! I just never have time to get our the big camera anymore! I have got to do better about that! Anyway, here is what my big boy has been up to!
Going To The CircusWe took John Turner to a small family circus that visited our town. This was a VERY SMALL circus! They did have one lion and three elephants so that was fun. Of course, the things that John Turner liked most about this circus was the $8 popcorn and the $5
sno-cone! His daddy also paid $20!!! for a ride on an elephant that might have lasted one minute!

Playing Baseball
John Turner received his own baseball glove and baseball from Cupid on Valentine's Day. He is actually super talented at using his glove and ball already!
Using our imagination
John Turner has an amazing imagination! He is so creative sometimes that it just really shocks me. Our neighbor gave him a big box a while back and he has had the most fun using it for creative playtime. On this day, he had build a pathway up to the secret hideout. There was also a bridge on the other side that had to be crossed in order to get to it. You can also see that Sophie Giraffe(one of Judson's toys) gets in on the action too!
Dressing Up and Being Silly
John Turner loves to put on our socks and shoes and act silly. He also got my recent Jimmy Buffet concert attire and dressed himself up in it! He is so funny sometimes that I just laugh at him for hours!
Celebrating Dr. Seuss' Birthday
John Turner and I made some very cute snacks for his classroom on the day they celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday. He loves to help make anything in the kitchen so this was great fun for him. We made "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" snacks. They turned out super cute and yummy!
He also dressed up in his "Cat in the Hat" hat for the party. The stuffed "Cat in the Hat" also got to go to school that day!
Hog Hunting
John Turner got to go on his first hog hunt with his Daddy and his Pop. He said he enjoyed it and wanted to go back again. From the looks of his boots and clothes when he got home, I would say he enjoyed playing in the mud the most!
Resting When I Can Get Him Too
This pic was after a rare nap day. John Turner has decided that he doesn't need naps anymore. He does have to have a quiet time each afternoon while baby brother naps. But he rarely goes to sleep anymore. This picture also contains our newest friend, Llama Llama! How he fits in that bed with all of those other animals I will never know!
Eating Yummy Treats
John Turner really loves desserts! He wants me to make him cookies or cakes almost every day! I usually make him at least one dessert each weekend. As you can tell from this picture, chocolate chip cookies are his favorite!
School Pictures
John Turner recently took his school picture for this year. I never know how these will turn out with this crazy boy! But I think they are so perfect and capture his personality so well! He looks way to grown up to me though!
Playing Outside
The weather has been pretty awesome around here lately! We have lived outside! John Turner just loves to explore around the yard and take in all of the things around him outside. One day he found this bird's nest lying on the ground beside a tree. He wanted so badly for me to put it back in the tree so the momma bird could lay her eggs in it.
I think that I could have a little chef on my hands. He has always loved to pretend to cook things, but now he wants to make real things. Carlton surprised me with a new Kitchen Aide mixer last month. John Turner and I have had the best time trying it out by making all kinds of fun desserts! We even made a homemade cheesecake this week! It is the hardest thing I have ever made by far! We were very proud of it!
Well, I think that about sums up what John Turner has been doing over the past month. He is such a smart, energetic and fun-loving kid! He is now 3 1/2 and I cannot believe it! We just love watching him grow and become this cool big kid!