Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
North Pole Breakfast 2011
Daddy then shared the story about Elvin. We learned that he is magical and if we touch him he will lose that magic. John Turner also learned that Elvin will report to Santa each night to tell him of his behavior of the day. Let's hope this helps some of this three year old craziness!
Friday, November 18, 2011
John Turner at 3
He weighed 29 pounds and was 37 1/2 inches tall at his 3 year check-up. He is still a skinny little thing, but he has started gaining weight. He was even on the chart for weight this time...just barely!
He can spell his name (well half of it) he can spell Turner perfectly. We are working on John. He can write a T and a J kind of... we are working on that too.
He can say the entire Pledge of Allegiance. It is the cutest thing you have ever heard!
He can name and locate at least 5 states on the US map. He has quite an interest in geography
He knows all of his ABC's and the sounds each makes
He can count to 20 and can name some of his numbers- I am thinking he is going to be my language arts child--not a math child
He loves everything to do with his daddy right now--he loves spending the night at the hunting camp, feeding the deer or turkey or just riding around the hunting land on the buggy! In a few years he is going to be gone with Carlton every weekend!
He has quite an imagination. He loves to pretend we are fire breathing dragons and chase each other around, loves to pretend he is a fireman putting out fires, loves to prepare pretend meals for our family
He also loves to pretend his stuffed animals are babies. I mean they get diapered, fed, changed, burped and rocked to sleep!
He loves to sing and dance!
He is a pro on his tricycle and we are thinking he will be moving on up to a real bike before long!
He still enjoys reading books and working on puzzles
He loves going to school and to Sunday School. He gets very excited on Sunday mornings to go see Mrs. Karen, his SS teacher
He is totally potty trained now! HALLELUJAH!! We finally poop on the potty!! YIPPEE!!
He loves eating Mexican food! He wants to go out to eat cheesy rice every day! He also asks me to stop at Taco Bell at least once a week and order him a cheese roll-up
The boy LOVES some ice cream!
He is starting to be able to go without naps--I am not ready for this one!
He loves to have his Gran, GiGi, SuSu or Johnnie Nell to come over and play or take him places
He will build with blocks for hours!
We watch Calliou a lot!! The boy is obssessed with Calliou!!
A Thanksgiving Feast
Brother had a fabulous time at the feast as well. He didn't even get his morning nap today, and he was still as sweet as pie for the entire party! I just love this angel baby!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
John Turner had the best time going door to door this year! He wouldn't even get back on the buggy each time! He would take off running to the next house as soon as they put candy in his bucket!
Here is a collage of our little horsey on his first Halloween! He didn't even complain one bit about being dressed up like a horsey! Sweet angel!

This year our SS class decided to do a little Halloween party for our children. We had a hayride, roasted hot dogs and just enjoyed great fellowship with one another. Some of us decided to join in on the fun and dress up with our children.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Scary Jack O' Lantern
They really had a great time carving the pumpkin this year. John Turner was able to participate a lot more and he was very proud of what he was able to do!
And finally, here are the two cutest pumpkins in the whole world!!