Our sweet baby turned 5 months old the day after Christmas. It is so hard to believe that he will be half a year old already next month. I absolutely love this age! I think 5 and 6 months are my favorite age! The smiles, the laughs, the coos, and the new-found skills just make this age so enjoyable! John Turner has spent the night with Grandparents several times this month so I have gotten one on one time with this baby! I just can't get enough of him!
He is just full of love and laughter these days!
He loves to play on his belly. If you lie him down on his back, chances are he will be on his belly a minute later. He still gets stuck on his belly sometimes and it just makes him so mad!
He loves to play with his feet this month! I find him like this most days!
We have started using the exersaucer this month. He likes it for short periods of time. He is getting stronger and liking it more and more each day.
We started rice cereal and oatmeal this month. The boy LOVES some oatmeal but is not too fond of the cereal.
His favorite place to be right now is in this doorway jumper. He will bounce in this thing for hours! He just bounces and talks. I love watching him in this! His brother was also a huge fan of this.
My beautiful blond-haired blue-eyed baby boy!
Judson at 5 months:
-weighs around 16 lbs
-wears size 2 diapers
-wears 3-6 month and 6 month clothes
-eating oatmeal or cereal twice a day; takes a few ounces of milk with it
-takes a 6-7 oz bottle first thing in the morning and before bed
-goes to bed around 7:30-8:00 and sleeps until around 6:00---this past week we have had some bad nights!! Due to some major teething, we have been waking up several times during the night!
-drooling and chewing everything in sight! Also irritable the past few days--waiting on a tooth any day now!
-takes 3 naps a day that are usually around 1 1/2 to 2 hours in length
-sitting up pretty well with little support-loves the sitting support pillow we have, but doesn't really care for the Bumbo seat too much right now
-grabbing and playing with his toys a lot this month
-loves his toys that play music
-rolling all over the place and even trying to scoot around
-talks and squeals while he plays
-grabs our faces and pulls us toward him(loves this!)
-watches every single thing his brother does
-his hair is getting thicker but it is so blond you can hardly see it
-loves his bath time
-he is a snugly baby--JT was not, so we just love this about him!
-truly a happy and easy baby; we can take him anywhere and he never fusses or makes a sound
We just fall more in love with him each day!!