October is my favorite month of the year! I love the fall!! I love the weather, the colors, the clothes, the smells, the food, etc... To me fall has not officially begun until you have visited the pumpkin patch!

So, we took this precious little pumpkin out to the Lazy Acre Pumpkin Patch last weekend. Sunday afternoon was perfect pumpkin patch weather! It was a little windy, as you will see from looking at our hair in these pictures. We just had the best time spending the beautiful afternoon outside at the pumpkin patch with John Turner!

The first thing he ran to as soon as we paid our way in was the animal farm section. There were only a few miniature horses, goats, turkeys and some dogs. He was thrilled beyond belief to see these animals! He even got some kisses from the farm dog:-).

Next, we traveled on over to the playground. This was something they have added since our visit last year. John Turner stayed in this area for quite a while. He loved all of the John Deere equipment! He raced tricycles with Daddy, rode a lawn mower, climbed through a tire tunnel and up a tire mountain, and went swinging on a horsey!

After wearing Mommy and Daddy out on the playgroud, we all jumped on the hayride for a rest. This hayride would take us down to the pumpkin patch to select our special pumpkin to take home. I remember last year I walked around and chose just the right pumpkin to take home. Not this year! John Turner looked around at all of the pumpkins in the patch, he sat down and talked to a few, and then he found the exact pumpkin he wanted. He picked it up and said "take". So, we took this little pumpkin home with us, of course!

After our hayride was over, we knew it was getting close to time for the pig races. So we headed out to the bleachers and got a front row seat. John Turner was mesmerized watching these little piggies run a race. He would say "more, more" when they finished and he would clap and cheer when one crossed the finish line. He loved this!

We then decided to go on the train ride. Carlton and John Turner had ridden this last year. This year they wanted me to go. Well, I did. It was a very bumpy ride! We also walked through a corn maze and played a game of corn beanbag toss.

We had a great day! I am looking foward to many more exciting adventures during this fall season!